single bed mercado collection

Single/Double Bed


Pine pallet Reuse and Recover and Wood.
Eco-Friendly Paint and Water-Based Varnish


Single 200 x 90 x 35 cm
Double 200 x 160 x 35 cm


893,00 €/1.343,00€

Note: Price per unit incl. VAT. Collect in our studio with free shipping. Single/Double Bed produced on demand. Time to delivery is 7-14 days.

Send Order Request

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The future.

– Tell us about the total units order and colours.
– We will contact you for further and additional information.

pallet your planet stool

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Sardinha 010203

Alfacinha 040506

Beringela 070809

Medronho 101112

Citrino 131415

Silvestre 161718

Total Units Order*